A Visit from the Wardrobe Fairy
Winter is finally here and it's a bit of a shock isn't it? The sudden need for seriously warm layers makes getting dressed more complicated and it's challenging to look well turned out when so many insulating fabrics leave you walking like one of the un-dead.
In the last few weeks, I’ve seen a surge in clients keen to get working on their winter wardrobes and the recent edits I’ve done have felt exciting - it’s not just the client who feels a genuine sense of achievement looking at a neat and tempting rail.

A fortnight ago I visited a new client who felt she had too much stuff and wanted to offload some of it. This stylish lady admitted she'd done her own cull before I'd arrived as she was embarrassed at how much storage space she was taking up in her home (are the vacant cupboards an advantage or disadvantage of an empty nest I wonder?) I can understand why all this upheaval might induce anxiety and my clients often tentatively enquire beforehand if there's anything they should do to prepare before I turn up. The answer is no - I'm here to take the stress out of getting your wardrobe in order and I want you to enjoy it! The process of sorting through a lifetime of outfits is a deeply personal thing and I’m acutely aware my clients put a lot of trust in me when they share their wardrobes.
So what does a wardrobe edit involve exactly? Every client is different and each session is personalised to what they are hoping to achieve. The aforementioned client wanted to create space but also needed advice on how to style the pieces she still loved so they were relevant this season. She was in the zone, ready for the task at hand and determined to be ruthless - in just under two hours we had a pile of clothes no longer 'fit for purpose'. I then replaced all the old wire hangers with lovely velvety ones, made suggestions of where space could be optimised (hanging handbag organiser anyone?) and rearranged her rails into styles making them easier to navigate. Along the way we identified a wealth of classic staples my client could rework to create modern looks - nothing new needed!
My next client had recently started a new job and had noticed her wardrobe was full of clothes she didn't wear. You’ve probably heard that statistic about 20% of our wardrobe being worn 80% of the time and there's undoubtedly some truth in it; we repeatedly reach for the things we can throw on without thinking about it while anything that's itchy, uncomfortable or simply doesn't feel great on, sits untouched.
I find a client's initial reaction to a piece is telling. If she says "I never wear that because I don't know what to put it with" then there's an opportunity to suggest new styling ideas - my favourite part! If, on the other hand, the response is a grimace or "that's never fitted very well" or "I don't like the colour on me" then it's the recycling bag or Vinted for that piece. Life's too short and cluttered to feel self-conscious or fidgety in what you're wearing - don't add that to your list of worries.
If you're considering getting help from a personal stylist or you receive a gift voucher for one this Christmas, remember the ultimate aim is to buy you back time in the morning with a wardrobe you look forward to delving into. When you have a selection of cohesive effortless outfits you know you can rely on, you can be sure you'll feel like the best version of yourself, whatever your day brings.
